Living Room Ideas In Minecraft. The main building is used for living while the extended part is used for entertainment (a spot for sunbathing, a place for. Most of those living rooms are the size of entire houses for me, so you'd end up with a mansion if you made every room like that.
Castles are usually made with cobblestone or If you want to put some elements in your throne room, a red carpet would be great.
Libraries and whatnot can be made by digging downwards from the canopy that serves as the main living area through the leaves; the gaps you create from this create the spaces you need for (somewhat small) rooms.
You can build a castle structure in Minecraft for your base. Minecraft Bauwerke Construction Minecraft Minecraft Room Decor Modern Minecraft Houses Minecraft Mansion Amazing Minecraft Minecraft Decorations Minecraft House Designs Minecraft. Now, your secret room is ready for you to decorate any way you please.